Meet the Mayor: MBTA Roxbury Crossing Station
Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in
their natural habitats.

MBTA Roxbury Crossing Station
Pace Ricciardelli
Do you think the Orange Line gets a bad rap?
to the Red Line, the Orange Line gets a bad rap. Compared to the Green
Line, it's nothing. The Green Line gets all the crap, because it's
basically a bus that's less functional. That being said, I've seen some
of the weirdest stuff happen on the Orange Line. We were going to up to
Wellington to meet one of my friends, and there was this old lady
sitting across from me. She had a whole bunch of stuff in her lap. I
think this was, like, noon on a Saturday. Some dude runs in at one of
the stops, takes out a knife, and stabs one of her bags. Doesn't say
anything. Doesn't do anything else. Just stabs the bag. To add the
weirdness here, the bag was full of marbles. So, Acme-style, all these
marbles fall out of the bag. This dude just doesn't know what to do and
runs out of the train. That was by far one of the weirdest experiences
I've ever had.
...Did you help the lady clean up her marbles?
Yeah. A whole bunch of us on the train were picking up marbles for a while.
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