
Movie filmed by chimps to air on BBC

Chimpazee with Chimpcam

Undoubtedly you've said to yourself at some point, during a film, or while watching George Bush in office, 'A chimp could do a better job than this,' and that's how Chimpcam was born. One guy, John Capener, was watching a terrible film on UK tv (I know that's hard to imagine for all of you who have watched British television) and thought the same thing. Well, he actually spurred his thoughts into reality with the help of primatologist Betsy Herrelko and now the film is part of a scientific study examining how chimps view the world around them.

Herrelko gave 11 chimps at the Edinburgh Zoo in the UK chimp-proof cameras and taught the chimps how to use them, or at least how to hit the record button. The chimps filmed for 18 straight months and were taught a couple other tricks like how to use a touch-screen TV where they could view their favorite videos made by eachother.

Sadly, the film will not air in America, but in the UK on BBC Two during the Natural World program on Wednesday night. There are options for Americans, however, wanting to take a peek at the film, sites like TV Channels stream BBC Two, as does View TV. Note the film airs 8pm Greenwich Time, so that's 3pm EST.

For more on Chimpcam, visit or read the BBC article.

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