Stop feeding crap to your kids

It's just baby fat. He's hungry so I keep feeding him. He's just big for his age. These are all excuses for having obese kids. The worst part is the parents of these children are killing their own lovable kids, slowly. And it happens more often than you think.
Ohio State University released a study yesterday showing 18.4 percent of 4-year-olds in the country are considered obese according to measurements comparing their height to weight, also called body mass index or BMI. American Indian and Native Alaskan children have the worst rate of childhood obesity, and Hispanics and Blacks are more likely than whites or Asians to be overweight.
BMI does not measure the actual amount of fat on a person’s body, but is an accepted standard measure to use for large population studies, the press release reads. A high BMI does directly correlate to an decreased level of good, or HDL, cholesterol and an increase in C-reactive proteins, a marker for inflammation that can warn of cardiovascular disease, according to a Center for Disease Control study released last month. And having big babies equals big children more times than not, which means a whole host of issues by the time they reach young adulthood including such diseases as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.
The CDC exposes an even higher risk of childhood obesity. About 24 percent of U.S. children aged 2 to 5 are overweight, defined by their BMI being in the 85th percentile or above.
So for all those mothers out there feeding their babies till their chubby little arms can't pick up themselves up off the ground, stop it! You're killing your kid(s) and you could wind up on the Maury show.