Special Duckling Unit: Pack found

A scare recently took hold of Boston as park rangers noted little Pack, the second to last bronze duckling who resides at the Boston Gardens with his family, had been ducknapped. According to the Boston Police Twitter feed, Pack was found at 3 a.m. at Brimmer and Mt. Vernon streets.
Pack's condition is unknown, but he is resting at a nearby police station and likely to be returned to his family soon.
This is not the first tragedy to strike the Duckling family. Back when the family first moved to the area in 1987, Quack was ducknapped. An anonymous tip to the police later lead to Quack's recovery, who was found in a cardboard box by the State House. Then, in 1988, Mack was stolen. Sadly, Mack was never found and is believed to have been murdered.
A film by Kevin Banks and Jeff Till
Tragedy struck the family again when Quack again was ducknapped in 1992. This time the community really tried to help, claims the Globe. Bostonians sported buttons reading, "Bring Back Quack," but it was too late. He was gone never to be seen again. In 1999, Jack was also ducknapped and found mortally wounded in a Boston College Library. The family's tragic history seems unmatched by any Bostonian breed, except the Kennedys.
The family is eager to see Pack come home safely and wants to thank the officers for their hard work in returning their little boy.