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Government unveils new site to help those stressed by recession

In response to the emotional unwinding of many Americans during this recession, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) launched a new Web page as a guide "on how to deal with the effects financial difficulties can have on your physical and mental health."

The site offers information on possible health risks and their warning signs during the recession, as well as tips on how to manage and get help for the stress and subsequent emotional disorders. The Web page also offers warning signs for suicide and how you can help yourself or someone you know recognize those signs.

Suicides as a result of the downturned economy have been felt throughout the world. In America last year, 90-year-old Addie Polk of Akron, Ohio, shot herself in the chest as the police attempted to evict her from her home. Her story helped spur the $700 billion mortgage bail-out. Ervin Lupoe from Wilmington, Texas, shot and killed his wife and five children, then himself, after losing his job. He had written a suicide note and sent it to the local ABC station and even called the cops to call attention to his actions. Even Europe has seen the brutal side of the world's struggling markets after a 49-year-old HSBC banker, Christen Schnor, hanged himself in his hotel room last December. These are just a few of the most sensational incidents, but the effects of the economy have been hitting too many of the world's markets and psyche.

Luckily, according to an ongoing Gallup-Healthways poll, Massachusetts residents feel like they are doing emotionally better than most. Out of the 50 states, Mass. ranked 8th on the emotional Well Being Index. According to the poll results residents of Hawai'i are feeling the best (is this a shocker?) and West Virginian residents feel the worst. Over 450,000 surveys were compiled for these results.

If you need financial help the new government Web page lists a few services. Here are some of those links in a quick format:

Financial help: Tips on saving money, 401(k) information and more, managing debt, credit card debt help

Housing assistance: Avoiding foreclosure, tips on mortgages from the Federal Reserve, home buying financial assistance

Mental health hotlines: 1-800-273-TALK (8255), 1-800-SUICIDE (2433), local numbers

  • hsr0601 said:

    I guess war invites mental ills, corruptions on all sides.

    People with depression or mental shock are recommended to reduce food consumption, and enjoy physical sporting activity.

    April 1, 2009 4:17 PM
  • hsr0601 said:

    I guess war invites mental ills, corruptions on all sides.

    People with depression or mental shock are recommended to reduce food consumption, and enjoy physical sporting activity.

    April 1, 2009 4:17 PM

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