
Is your wang tiny? It is if you piss off Michael Crichton!

"I'm immature!"

The almighty Gawker points us to this funny bit about Michael Crichton, a man who makes his living writing techno-thrillers.

When The New Republic's Michael Crowley wrote a not-so-nice feature profile about Crichton for the mag, the author's fifth grader-like response was to "create" a villainous character named Mick Crowley in his newest novel. It's not bad enough for the fictional Crowley to be painted as a child rapist, oh no. He also has a tiny dick.

But note the real Crowley's Cock and Bull reply. Classy!

Shame they didn't explain the small penis rule in j-school. Or were we just asleep in COM 101 that day?

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