
The Giver Abides

Thanks to a press release that came with a copy of Lois Lowry's new book, we learned that The Giver, a book my little brother cites as one of his alltime faves, is being made into a movie by the same folks who recently did Narnia (we haven’t seen it, but have little faith that it could beat the 1979 animated version), and directed by Vadim Perelman, the same guy who adapted Andre Dubus III’s House of Sand and Fog to the big screen.

We’ve learned two things from some IMDB sleuthing. One: a la Pleasantville and The Wizard of Oz, The Giver will be in color and black and white. Two: Jeff Bridges (a co-producer) is "attached" to star in the title role. Clearly he's into roles where his name begins with “The.


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