A taste of Chez HenriNovember 4 October 31,
2007 3:52:03 PM
We’ll drink to this: on November 4, CHEZ HENRI (One Shepard Street, Cambridge) welcomes wine writer Rudolph Chelminski, author of the new book I’ll Drink to That: Beaujolais and the French Peasant Who Made It the World’s Most Popular Wine (Gotham Books; 320 pages; $27.50), for a four-course Beaujolais dinner. The cost is $75; call 617.354.8980 for reservations and information, or visit chezhenri.com for menu details.

- Steampunk bursts through its subculture roots to challenge our musical, fashion, design, and even political sensibilities
- It’s time to cover John McCain again — and here are ten good places for the media to start.
- Reconciling the irreconcilable
- Never mind its tough-girl alt-porn feminism: SuicideGirls has already moved on to a new generation
- Some Things at Trinity
- Interview: Mikko Nissinen and Boston Ballet
- It’s time to cover John McCain again — and here are ten good places for the media to start.
- Steampunk bursts through its subculture roots to challenge our musical, fashion, design, and even political sensibilities
- Do the Hate Laugh Shimmy | Fresh Sounds New Talent
- Brookline Music School at Northeastern's Blackman Theatre, May 11
- Priorities
- Inmate rehabilitation served on a platter
November 27
November 14
November 12
October 31
October 28
October 25
October 18
October 6
October 1
