Top 20 of 2006 ThePhoenix.com's 20 most popular stories of the year December 29,
2006 4:04:16 PM
The 100 unsexiest men in the world: Who would Scarlett least like to be with
? By Bill Jensen and Ryan Stewart.
32 worst lyrics of all time: The votes are in, Ms. Lavigne
. By Bill Jensen and Ryan Stewart.
Sex (circa 2006): Oral is the new second base, the "mostly" girls keep on kissing girls, and the Bro Job has arrived (but is still not ready for its close-up)
. By Camille Dodero.
Ten classic season finales: Cliffhangers, attempted murders, and obscene amounts of money
. By Ryan Stewart.
The 20 greatest bosses in video game history: In honor of National Boss Day, thePhoenix.com presents the ultimate kingpins
. By Ryan Stewart and Mitch Krpata.
Sweet Information! John Hodgman holds forth on eels, mole men, and Macs
. By Mike Miliard.
Quiet warfare: Few have been paying attention to that other ongoing terrorist threat
. By Jenniger L. Pozner.
Does your life suck? In the MySpace-meets-Matrix online world of Second Life, everyone is sexy, real money flows, and pixels are the only limitation
. By Camille Dodero.
Code yellow: Peeps star in porn, snuff films
. By Mike Miliard.
Life, love, and sneakers: The culture of high-end kicks is about to blow up in Boston. How many pairs do you have
? By Camille Dodero.
Attack of the 50-foot Oprah. Why America's most powerful celebrity should be more feared than loved
. By Mark Jurkowitz.
The naked sorority: Never mind its tough-girl alt-porn feminism: SuicideGirls has already moved on to a new generation
. By Camille Dodero.
They have MySpace in heaven, right? Inevitably, the social netowrking site has become a virtual graveyard
. By Camille Dodero.
Where is the hate? The slow death of Kennedy loathing
. By Adam Reilly.
Apocalypse now and then: Doom, damnation, and other summer fun
. By Peter Keough.
The rise of Reggaeton: From Daddy Yankee to Tego Calderón, and beyond
. By Wayne Marshall.
More than words: Gary Cherone's Extreme viewpoint
. By Kay Hanley.
The 100 worst lyrics of all time: It's in your hands, America
. By Bill Jensen and Ryan Stewart.
World of pain: The space between free speech and respect in the ultimate culture war
. Editorial.
The new Web geniuses: How slackers with one dopey idea are getting rich
. By Mike Miliard.

- Steve Albini speaks
- Comic timing
- Our critics pick the 14 producers with the fattest, meanest beats
- Never mind its tough-girl alt-porn feminism: SuicideGirls has already moved on to a new generation
- In his bid for re-election, city councilor Stephen Murphy has collected a combustible group of allies, from Dapper to Deval
- Covering all the bases with first-class Albanian and more
- Evangelicals are speaking in bubbles — and fighting God’s war on pop culture
- Kick him when he's down
- Lessons from the build-them-up, tear-them-down Boston firefighter backlash
- Peruko Ccopacatty’s fresh perspective
- Bach at Emmanuel, Boston Baroque’s Cosí fan tutte, Kiri Te Kanawa’s farewell to Boston
- PBRC’s Two Can Play finds a moving balance
An apology
A list of the beasts -- real and imagined -- that feast on human flesh
Phoenix founder Mindich honored
Complete Police coverage for the show at Fenway Park
Daydream Nation tops our list of 10 landmark albums that made indie rock
Our bad: Boston Phoenix prints wrong pages
We salute you all in honor of Best Friends Day, June 8, 2007
Results from the Boston Phoenix/WFNX readers' poll
It takes a village (person)
Cigarettes on the silver screen

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