Chefs CollaborateNovember 13, 2006
November 8,
2006 1:04:20 PM
Sure, the idea of a sustainable food supply sounds good and all, but what have you done for the cause lately? Stop feeling guilty and get yourself to the Langham Hotel (250 Franklin Street, Boston) on November 13, at 7 pm, for a dinner in honor of chef, author, and Chefs Collaborative founding board member Rick Bayless. The five-course dinner will be prepared by Langham executive chef Mark Sapienza and other Chefs Collaborative members, including Chris Douglass (Icarus and Ashmont Grill) and Maura Kilpatrick (Oleana), and will benefit Chefs Collaborative, an organization that works to advance a more sustainable food supply. The cost is $150, including wine and gratuity; call 617.236.5200 for tickets and information.


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