Leaving a paper trail
By MATT JONES | June 22, 2011
Click here for this week’s solution.
1 Jumbo-sized
6 Cinnamon-covered snacks
13 He was found in a spider hole
14 It's shown with a rolled-up sleeve
15 Deodorant options
16 Plant used in food coloring
17 Former domestic carrier
18 Streamlined
19 Without a gosh-dang thing on
25 Added boost
26 ___ noire
27 Actor who played himself in "Zombieland"
29 Give off
30 Comparable to
31 Interior designer's concern
33 Standing upright
38 Prolific science fiction author Isaac
44 Palindromic fashion mag
45 Substance that may be donated
49 Get ready (for)
50 Highest point
51 Chewy fried seafood dish
53 Job that determines chicken genders
55 "Hungry" board game animal
56 Put complete faith in
59 "Is it bigger than a breadbox?" asker
61 Speak haltingly
62 How some words are best left
63 It's on the mast
64 Nobel Prize-winning physicist Bohr
| Down
1 Like interplanetary travel
2 "Sounds fun" response
3 Deck out
4 Palindromic woman's name
5 Symbols after brand names
6 Hoops group until 2009
7 Solo on the big screen
8 Coffee dispensers
9 Less phony
10 Like movies for "mature audiences"
11 Sandinista leader Daniel
12 Robinson of R&B fame
13 "What're you gonna do about it?"
15 Got the genie out of the lamp
20 "This is only a test" gp.
21 Spectra maker
22 Airline in Holland
23 Tahiti, par exemple
24 Ethnomusicologist's deg., maybe
28 Exploit
32 Aries, e.g.
34 Revenge tactic
35 Punctuation that lets you trail off
36 Gave a round of applause
37 Kind of muscle
39 ___ fly (baseball play)
40 Dublin's country, in the Olympics
41 Blood vessel imaging machine
42 ___-pah bands
43 Beetles and Rabbits, e.g.
45 Most vile
46 Words before "interpretation" or "the public"
47 Like batters in the on-deck circle
48 Puts forth effort
52 "One of ___ days..."
54 Trebek's "High Rollers" co-star Lee
57 Six, in Italy
58 Carson Daly's former MTV show
59 Piece
60 Start for sex or corn |
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