I enjoyed Gunner Scott's fantastic article and picture (see "State of the Union," the Queer Issue, May 25). For our transgender youth, treatment in schools can range from enthusiastic support to outright prejudice and discrimination. More and more parents are supporting their transgender children, and so are their pediatricians and endocrinologists, when needed. But access to good medical care for some can be nonexistent. Family members embrace more often than in the recent past. I suggest everyone who cares about the humanity and human rights of the transgender children and adults in your community, please support organizations who work hard to secure a better life for them, such as Trans Youth Equality Foundation (, of which I am director.
Referring to Mitt Romney as a "white-collar psychopath" couldn't be more wrong or hypocritical (see "Bankers and Bullies," editorial, May 18). He's an honorable and successful man, and was a good governor in my opinion. He will make a fine president, and one far better than the phony incompetent that currently occupies the White House.
The hypocrisy of liberals never ceases to amaze.
Dump at City Hall?, Infinite Jester, ''Holy war'' holes, More
- Dump at City Hall?
Thank you for your recent article about the price increase on city trash bags. When I first noticed this at Hannaford this summer, I was disgusted!
- Infinite Jester
Everything about your article, "Does this book make me look smart?" (April 15), is awful.
- ''Holy war'' holes
I’m as liberal as the next guy, and I’ve been bothered for years by the distorted values and activities of the religious right in their pursuit of enforced conformity.
- Mail dump
Thanks for your article on the price increase on blue bags. The article should also mention another consequence of the price hike: some neighbors have chosen to simply ignore the blue-bag rule and use their own bags.
- Community improvements
First off, thank you so much for writing an article (" The Music World Is Flat ," Arts, June 17, 2011) highlighting the work of some of my favorite bloggers and FMLY.
- Filling in the blanks
I believe that Stevens is missing some people on his list: Elliott Spitzer (Douchebag), John Edwards (Asshole), Anthony Weiner (Douchebag), Bill Clinton (Coward), Nancy Pelosi (Simpleton), and Barney Frank (Coward).
- Getting heavy
Your "Heavy Burden" (August 19) was a great article, and the accompanying graphic was neat.
- A jolly good biomass mess
This is corporate pork on steroids, for energy we don't even need.
- We hear that
I just finished reading your article, "Voices Carry" (October 21). Thank you so much for writing about this very important topic.
- Carry on
I wanted to tell you how much I admired your cover article in the October 21 Boston Phoenix ("Voices Carry").
- Big business
In your November 25 editorial , you ask, "Why is the establishment so afraid" of the Occupy movement.
- Less

, News, letters, transgender rights, More
, News, letters, transgender rights, the Queer Issue, Less