A look at 2008's anticipated releases
By RYAN STEWART | December 31, 2007
 Beach House |
The popular music-sharing torrent site Oink may have been shut down by Interpol (the authorities, not the band) in 2007, but so far that hasn’t done much to prevent people from sharing new albums in advance of their release dates. We haven’t partaken in any such activities — as far as you know — but here’s a look at some of January and February’s more anticipated releases and their legally available free previews.
Beach House, “Gila”
Beach House have a reputation for sounding like pure bliss, but on this track from Devotion (Carpark), the duo sounds almost angry, or at least as angry as Victoria Legrand is capable of with her detached, airy voice. Otherwise it’s still the crystalline, ethereal sound fans have become accustomed to.
Black Mountain, “Tyrants” (mp3)
With its shifts between scorching metal riffery, psychedelic droning, and folky stretches of calm, this track serves as a solid demonstration of what this Canadian fivesome can do. Unfortunately, at a sometimes meandering eight minutes, this one works better within the context of the rest of the upcoming In the Future (Jagjagwar) than it does as a stand-alone.
British Sea Power, “Waving Flags”
This song from February’s Do You Like Rock Music (Rough Trade) features reverbed drums, a vocal choir, guitar and synths that mimic a string section, and fist-pumping lyrics. It’s reminiscent of U2 during their ascendant years, but mercifully without the messiah complex.
Times New Viking, “My Head”/“R.I.P. Allegory” (mp3)
These two brief tracks offered as one download by Matador are both quick and dirty rock-and-roll tracks with a lot of fuzz, the kind you can expect to hear a lot of on their upcoming Rip It Off. The two songs combined clock in at less than two and a half minutes, meaning the overly distorted vocals don’t get a chance to outstay their welcome.
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, Victoria Legrand, Interpol, British Sea Power, More
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