Julissa Brisman's 10 pm client, her sixth and last for Tuesday, April 14, 2009, was early. She planned afterward to go out with a Yale graduate she'd met on the train to Boston the previous morning and was due back home in Brooklyn the next day.
As the Mass Tea Party Coalition rallied at Boston Common on Sunday, April 15th, a group of approximately 60 activists held a counter-protest. The counter-protest called attention to the Tea Party's anti-gay sentiments, specifically protesting the afternoon's appearances by Scott Lively and Brian Camenker. Rick Santorum was originally scheduled to speak, but did not. Three protesters were arrested.
First Printer is located on the site of the former home of Stephen Daye — reportedly the first printer in British North America — and commemorates the craft with a wall of old type cases and some framed historic newspapers.
If you want to buy a song, chances are you'll end up at a one-stop shop like iTunes or Amazon — storefronts with set prices, clear rules, and instantaneous delivery.
With the news that former New York Times food critic Frank Bruni has gout, I write my latest dispatch to you between bites of salad, haunted by the Ghost of Lunches Future.