How much do you work out?
I try to get to the gym four days a week, and I usually play ball on Saturday mornings, depending on how rough my Friday night was.
Do you watch what you eat, or does this body just come naturally?
I live in the North End, so with all the good restaurants around, it’s hard to watch what I eat. On top of that, I eat like I have a tapeworm in my stomach — so if I didn’t work out, my body would turn to junk.
What’s your favorite guilty-pleasure food?
I’m addicted to the chocolate-chip pancakes at News, and the ham-and-cheese croissants from Bova’s. I’ll take down four of those things after a night out of bouncing around the city. I’m also borderline hooked on those Hershey’s Sundae Pies for a buck at Burger King.
You’ve got a great body now, but did you ever go through that “awkward” stage?
Yeah, I was scrawny in high school. Most of my boys were pushing 200-plus pounds and would hit the gym up every day, so they used to drag me with them — even when I didn’t want to. Trying to keep up with those monsters way back then allowed me to put on some size and maintain it over the years.
If you could have anyone else’s body, whose would it be?
That’s just weird. I’ve never really thought about it.
Favorite exercise?
Shrugs and pull-ups.
Least favorite exercise?
Squats, lunges, anything that has to do with legs. If I ever skip out on the gym, it’s usually the day I have to do legs.
What’s the best body compliment you’ve ever received?
The girls in my office nominated me for this piece without me knowing, so that was probably the best compliment I could ever receive about my body.
What do you consider your best body part?
My shoulders. I’ve always had broad shoulders, so I don’t have to work on them as much as other body parts.
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