A sexy fireman calendar? Please. These days that's about as antiquated as the concept of the prim, buttoned-up spinster librarian.
Proof of both is the 2013 Tattooed Youth Librarians of Massachusetts Calendar, a much-buzzed-about 18-month, full-color calendar featuring tattooed members (15 gals and lone one guy) of the Massachusetts Library Association. None look like the type to shush you while glowering over the top of a pair of smudged bifocals. "There are still a lot of stereotypes about librarians, so many people are surprised that so many of us have tattoos," says Sharon Colvin, chair of the MLA's Youth Services Section and one of the inked-up librarians featured in the calendar. "I think there's still a mystique surrounding librarians. A lot of people have no idea what we do and make a lot of assumptions about us. In reality, we're a diverse, dynamic group."
The mostly lit-inspired body art featured in the calendar — proceeds from which benefit the MLA's professional, advocacy, and legislative programs — runs the gamut from e.e. cummings quotes to images of Max from Where the Wild Things Are. Says Colvin, "We wanted to spark some good conversation about libraries and librarians." Mission accomplished.
Want to oust Frank the firefighter from your cubicle? You can order your own 2013 Tattooed Youth Librarians Calendar ($21) at mla.memberlodge.org/2013calendar.
My life in Boston's kinky grappling scene, Photos: Selections from Science Ink: Tattoos of the Science Obsessed, In a quest to quit smoking, our reporter delves into the strange world of modern hypnosis, More
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- Photos: Selections from Science Ink: Tattoos of the Science Obsessed
Used with permission from Science Ink by Carl Zimmer, Sterling Publishing © 2011.
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