- Water Dogs
A sort-of mystery novel that may or may not involve a crime, Water Dogs is also the story of a family broken by the death of its patriarch, "Coach," whose three children (fail to) cope with his death in highly individualized and complicated ways.
- Interview: Paolo Bacigalupi talks about The Windup Girl
Paolo Bacigalupi talks about The Windup Girl
- Exploring deep within
Hannah Holmes, the Maine-born, Portland-dwelling science writer, naturalist, and friend to all animals has turned her lens deeply inward in her latest book, The Well-Dressed Ape: A Natural History of Myself .
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- Water Dogs
A sort-of mystery novel that may or may not involve a crime, Water Dogs is also the story of a family broken by the death of its patriarch, "Coach," whose three children (fail to) cope with his death in highly individualized and complicated ways.
- Interview: Paolo Bacigalupi talks about The Windup Girl
Paolo Bacigalupi talks about The Windup Girl
- Exploring deep within
Hannah Holmes, the Maine-born, Portland-dwelling science writer, naturalist, and friend to all animals has turned her lens deeply inward in her latest book, The Well-Dressed Ape: A Natural History of Myself .
- Ellis's endgame
A quarter-century after the debut of Less Than Zero , in what amounts to a self-referential epilogue, Ellis's spoiled children have grown into spoiled adults, and the magnets in their moral compasses rest askew.
- Critics' choice?
This month, Jonathan Franzen became the first living American novelist in 10 years to make the cover of Time . His Freedom — out this Tuesday, and his first novel since 2001's National Book Award–winning best seller, The Corrections — has been anointed the latest Great American Novel.
- Providence Student Survival Guide: List of lists
It's back-to-campus time. You've got shopping lists, book lists, syllabi, class rosters, and Facebook. Who would possibly think you could handle more lists? We would, that's who.
- Pimping his ride
This week, the Paul Revere Memorial Association and the Old South Meeting House kick off a free, month-long lecture series to take place at the latter.
- Review: Per Petterson plumbs The River of Time
Why would Per Petterson — the bestselling Scandinavian writer whose books don't feature an invincible crimefighting heroine — curse the river of time when he is so adept at navigating it?
- Now it can be told: Boston to read Perrotta
If you haven't read Tom Perrotta's short story "The Smile on Happy Chang's Face," don't worry: there are 30,000 opportunities to do so coming to town very soon.
- Fall Books Preview: Getting booked
Two Sedarises, two New Yorker favorites, and a famous neurologist are among the highlights of this fall’s book events.
- Lawton and le Carré share their information
Information is dangerous currency.
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