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CITY: Burlington
“Bubble Guns” [mp3]"
ON THE TUBES: MySpaceYouTube
RECORD LABELS: Grinding Tapes, Tract

WHY THEM? Endearingly lo-fi, minimalist acoustic campfire ballads about topics as disparate as romance and insects, all delivered with aching sincerity. There are a few embellishments from Casio keyboards, drums, and guest vocalists, but for the most part it is simply the work of Linc Halloran and his guitar. Sounds kind of like Cowboy Junkies if they junked their sister singer and replaced her with a pathologically shy entomologist. It’s the kind of thing that could seem affected, but because it’s so spare and straightforward, Halloran (er, Hello Shark) makes it work.

BONUS BIT! Halloran took part in the second installment of last year’s “Field Trip,” a Cambridge-based performance of guerrilla acoustic shows. His took place near Metropolitan Storage.

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New Hampshire transplants live free — or die trying
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