"It's not about getting beaten and 'See you later.' It's about getting beat, getting up, dusting yourself off, and smashing the fuck out of the next person you see in front of you." Liam Gallagher is talking about the possible return to the ring of his good friend the boxer Ricky Hatton, but he might as well be referring to his own reaction to the spate of backhanded compliments for his first post-Oasis record.
One September evening in 2005, I sat in a packed MIT lecture hall and watched as Mike Krahulik drew the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory on a blackboard.
Before you go coastal on us, let's be clear that this is in no way a slap at rap music's primary metropolitan hubs. The fact is that despite being in Boston, the Phoenix covers as much New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles hip-hop as any paper in America, including some alt-weeklies in those cities.
I've given up trying every crème brûlée or fried calamari in the Boston metro area; that would be akin to taking on the labors of Hercules.
The sky is actually falling for Maine progressives, whose core values are under attack in Augusta.
One September evening in 2005, I sat in a packed MIT lecture hall and watched as Mike Krahulik drew the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory on a blackboard.
"I can no longer see my friends when I go to the supermarket. . . . Jamaica Plain is for us, not for the rich people."