A few days ago, my computer went to shit on me, something I never thought would happen since I’m a still a good Catholic and all. Apparently my Catalog B-Tree is damaged? Here are free songs (and a YouTube video) about how I feel right now.Think About Life, “Paul Cries” (mp3)
Martin Cesar, the lead singer of this Montreal electro outfit, does the Julian Casablancas “sing through megaphone” voice; not even Casablancas does that anymore! Granted they aren’t the new Strokes, or the old Killers, but at least it’s “Think About Life” and not “Think About Wolves.”
Pony Up!, “The Truth About Cats and Dogs (Is That They Die)” (mp3)
Another Montreal band, all girls, more xylophones, and la-la-las, with fewer synthesizers. Somewhere in this song title is a haiku or a Chicken Soup for the Soul entry. The song itself could be twee, or by Unrest, except the band can play their instruments somewhat.
Beirut, “Postcards from Italy” (mp3)
Beirut’s Zach Condon snipped a vocal melody from Radiohead and put it where it belonged: in a bloc of trumpets and accordions and what I’m guessing is a ukulele. So, a Neutral Milk Hotel song. As for the lyrics, good-times nostalgia brushes up with mortal curiosity — Condon’s imagistic before he’s vague.
Tom Cruise, “Going Down” (YouTube)
Cruise stopped by BET’s 106 and Park a few weeks ago when he was in NYC promoting Mission: Impossible III. Yung Joc’s club-trap snap tune “Going Down” was playing, and on stage Cruise tried imitating Joc’s “rev the motorcycle” dance. It’s actually better than you think.
, Tom Cruise
, Julian Casablancas
, Zach Condon
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, Tom Cruise
, Julian Casablancas
, Zach Condon
, Yung Joc
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, Science and Technology
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, Radiohead
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