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Editors' Picks

Buckwheat Zydeco + Kim LaMothe
This event occurs in the past,
Feb 12 2011
16 Anawan St, Fall River, MA
(view map)
You’re missing the exclamation that comes with Louisiana swamp sounds? Never fear, Buckwheat Zydeco carries them around with him 24-7. The squeeze-box star will bring his R&B-flavored blues to the Narrows Center for the Arts.
Contemporary zydeco's most popular performer, accordionist Stanley "Buckwheat" Dural was the natural successor to the throne vacated by the death of his mentor Clifton Chenier... Read More
Kim Lamothe is a singer/songwriter with a unique ability to match poetic lyrics with rhythmic guitar. Finger-plucked ballads and driving rhythms make her songs diverse...
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