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Editors' Picks
Comedy show with Lizz Winstead to benefit Planned Parenthood
This event occurs in the past,
July 18 2011
290 Harvard St, Brookline, MA
(view map)
Co-creator and former head writer of The Daily ShowLizz Winstead brings her signature biting wit to the Coolidge Corner Theatre for a cause close to her heart. Winstead, who also performed regularly on The Daily Show during her tenure there, is an active advocate for Planned Parenthood. In a performance combining comedy, scathing satire, and personal anecdotes, she’ll share her experience as a lifelong consumer of the nonprofit organization’s services. Recognized by many as one of the leading political satirists in the country, Winstead will doubtless provoke fits of laughter among anyone who’s ever had a pap smear — and their friends.
Special 90-minute show from "The Daily Show" co-creator
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