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Lucky leader

A worthy life of Kingsley Amis
Eight hundred pages long, with another 200 pages of notes, The Life of Kingsley Amis is stunningly comprehensive.
By: JAMES PARKER  |  June 12, 2007


Gumshoes and golems

Michael Chabon’s Alaskan-Yiddish noir
Michael Chabon has boundary issues.
By: CLEA SIMON  |  June 05, 2007


Cheatin’ heart

In Lionel Shriver, you only live twice
In The Unbearable Lightness of Being , Milan Kundera struck upon an idea to give every cheating heart a moment’s pause.
By: JOHN FREEMAN  |  January 28, 2010


Yule logs

Virgil, Ted Williams, Courtney Love, Bruce Springsteen, and other ideas for the giving season
From $16 paperbacks to $120 collector’s items, we’ve come up with a range of selections that should cover everyone on your list — from former classics majors and music fans to future art critics and lovers of high-fashion soft-core.
By: PHOENIX STAFF  |  January 28, 2010


God's country

Thomas Frank goes to the heartland
We live in Massachusetts, with troubles of our own. So why should we care about What's the Matter with Kansas? , the title of Thomas Frank's new book?
By: CATHERINE TUMBER  |  July 25, 2011
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