In November, ANNA MYER AND DANCERS bring together modern dancers, a professional violinist, and 15 young local poet rappers in the collaboratively created Street Talk Suite Talk at the Strand Theater in Dorchester (November 1-2; 617.547.9699). NOCHE FLAMENCA, with the great — and increasingly celebrated — Soledad Barrio, comes to Fitchburg State College (November 8; 978.665.3347). On the local front, the newly formed ACCUMULATION DANCE COMPANY presents work at Green Street Studios in Cambridge (November 7-8; 617.864.3191), and BOSOMA performs at Boston University Dance Theatre featuring guest choreography by Adrienne Hawkins and the Challenge, an intricate patterning of choreographic duels (November 7-8; 978.500.3057).
At the ICA, PHILADANCO makes a much-overdue Boston debut with works by African-American choreographers Rennie Harris, Christopher L. Huggins, Milton Myers, and Gene Hill Sagan (November 14-16; 617.876.4275 The same weekend, FOUR CHOREOGRAPHERS AND FOUR COMPOSERS collaborate on new works at the Dance Complex in Cambridge (November 14-15; 617.547.9363 Boston University’s Dance Theatre Group presents works by students, alumni, and faculty including MICHAEL JAHODA, MARGOT PARSONS, and MICKI TAYLOR-PINNEY at the BU Dance Theater (November 21-22; 617.358.2500).

The 40th-anniversary tour of the LAR LUBOVITCH DANCE COMPANY is expected to bring the restoration of the choreographer’s influential North Star, an early minimalist work set to a score by Philip Glass, alongside the personally revealing Men’s Stories at the Tsai Performance Center (December 12-13; 617.482.6661 Finally, run, don’t walk to catch Charlie Chaplin’s granddaughter AURÉLIA THIERRÉE in Aurélia’s Oratorio at the Loeb Drama Center, with magical design effects by her mother, Victoria Thierrée Chaplin. A couple of tickets to this one would make a swell holiday present (November 28–December 28; 617.547.8300