Meet the Mayor: Boston Public Library
Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in
their natural habitats.

Boston Public Library
Gina Perille
Are libraries putting
bookstores out of business? All the books here are free ...
I think there's room for everybody, but we have definitely
gotten busier since times have gotten tighter. But there's a whole range of
things people do at the library. We're sort of in the information business.
Books are a big part of what we do, but we also host lectures and musical
performances, and help people do research, as well as check out millions of
books every year.
They were talking
about closing the library in my neighborhood last year. We were planning to
riot if they did. Is there a precedent for library riots?
Not that I know of. Certainly, libraries across the country
have faced hard economic times, but I don't know of any riots, per se.
Was it harder to
become the Foursquare mayor, or the chief communications officer of the library?
There's pretty healthy competition for the BPL foursquare
mayorship. I'm looking forward to seeing how the competition heats up in the
next few months. I would actually take it as a good sign if my mayorship was
ended by a user.
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