December 2007

Monthly forecast
December 14, 2007 10:06:25 AM

December has arrived and I have NO idea where this year went to. I look back on January and I was doing the same sort of work I've done for years, but then in the spring I had the chance to produce a theater festival and write some stuff and then get deeply involved in a municipal election and I'll tell you – sometimes even the astrologer is surprised. I hope those of you born in 1948, 1960, 1971-72, 1983 had similar opportunities open up. This month Jupiter moves into Capricorn and Saturn continues in the early degrees of Virgo and if there's one thing we've learned when big planets are in earth signs it's that money is tight, and things don't sell the way they used to. That said, I've got the 2008 Llewellyn calendar and almanac for sale at my site. If you want me to stick a little card in that reminds you when your personal easy/difficult days are, include month/day/year of birth with your order. And I will be appearing in three dimensions on Friday, December 14, 3 to 6 p.m. At ROOTS!
Astrological tarot readings at Roots, 100 Crawford St., Leominster, Mass.  just off Route 2. 978-534 7668. $30 half hour, or $50 an hour (which you can share with a friend or partner). Symboline uses your natal data and tarot cards to help you figure out life/work issues. Gift certificates available.
Yours in the cause of a more orderly universe / Symboline Dai
PS: I note that the days when the moon is in your sun sign as both difficult AND smooth. But the rule of thumb is that you should view the days the moon is in your sun sign as commencing a new 28 day cycle. Chances are, you’ll be unexpectedly emotional – either looking for a grievance, or seeing a situation more dramatically than circumstances warrant. The days when the moon is in the same sign as your sun is when you feel everything, truly, madly, deeply.

PPS: Happy birthday to Dick Warner, Anne Costello, Rebekah Maggor, Matt Timms.

ARIES (March 21 or 22 to April 19 or 20).
Difficult days come on December 3, 10, 11, 17-19, 23-25, 30, 31
Smoother sailing comes on December 8, 9, 17, 18, 25, 26
The moon is in your sun sign on 17-19,
The big picture in a nutshell . . . It's been a long fall for you (autumn, that is). December offers an
opportunity to rest, if not relax. With Jupiter concluding it's journey in Sagittarius, you may find you have to work harder for opportunities starting the week before Christmas. There's a three-day
period mid-month (December 9-12). Overall, this month offers opportunities to connect with water sign companions in a more exciting or creative way. Aries impetuous side could be slightly thwarted and with Mercury in Capricorn on the Solstice you could be guilty of humor that's, well, slightly off the mark. But we still love ya, honest. Don't ever change.

TAURUS (April 20 or 21 to May 20 or 21).
Difficult days come on December 5, 6, 13, 14, 19, 20, 25, 26
Smoother sailing comes on December 10, 11, 19, 20, 28, 29
The moon is in your sun sign on 19, 20,
The big picture in a nutshell . . .A month of indulgence for bulls, particularly after December 6, when Venus says, "have another cookie -- oh look! canollis!" A 12-month period of professional advancement starts December 16. Those born in April should be alert to opportunities to show what you can do. Those involved with water signs could find your relationship gets very muddy very quickly

GEMINI (May 21 or 22 to June 21 or 22).
Difficult days come on December 2, 3, 8, 9 , 15, 16, 21, 22, 28, 29
Smoother sailing comes on December 3, 4, 13, 14, 21, 22, 30, 31

The moon is in your sun sign on 21, 22,

The big picture in a nutshell . . . A transitional year for Gemini comes to a close around the solstice when Jupiter gets out of Sagittarius (where it has been taunting your sun) and moves into Capricorn (where it will drive Aries and Libra nuts for the next year. Thank god I have Saturn in Capricorn...). Oh, right, this is about you! Well, the deal is that the water sign people will get the corner piece of cake and the first cut of the roast. Not that you're ending up with the parson's nose, exactly, but you will have to make greater effort to get minimal results. And this is actually a very good time for those of you with will-o'-the-wisp impulses. You can start, stop, start, stop over and over. How's that?December is Gemini's “halfway point” of the year and you'll be loving this if you're partnered with a water sign (they've got Venus and Mars being incredibly helpful, thus bringing out their lovable characteristics). Otherwise, watch what you're willing to promise from December 2 to the solstice – you could overstate what is possible (yes, this does take into account the fact that Gemini thinks four times as fast as the rest of  us). Those of you born on or around May 28 (Rudi Giulani?) are willing to “test” themselves big-time this month. Your endurance is high and if you don't take some big risks in the responsibility realm, you're not jammin' with the planets (where the HELL is this weird slang coming from? I sound like MATT TIMMS!). Seriously, though, you may notice the world gets MUCH more serious around the time of the solstice when a collection of planets including big important ones like Jupiter, move into Capricorn. If you find yourself jollying people who have no sense of humor...don't say I didn't warn you.

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